Sunday, April 16, 2006


Dave LANage

Well sports fans, it was another stunning lack of physical activity last Sunday through Monday, didn't quite break our record for longest sitting at a game but we sure as hell took gold and the record in "longest time getting a game to work then not playing it" with a whooping 5 hours at Neverwinter nights + the 2 expansions (shadows and hordes). We couldn't played the normal game or shadows but we wanted to start at level 15 in the hordes expansion but due to the bastard entrance we couldn't get it working.
Stv was up to his usual trick of leaving the game early, as in a stunning move, he lagged out of the Homeworld 2 4-way-deathfest in which no less, and probably more than, 7 battlecrusiers were lost with all hands.
In R&D we found new levels of difficulty in AoE2 when we tried to play on some Water maps producing at least a 2-fold increase in the computers cheating algorithms. Swamped by legions of ships all 4 of us were unable to advance even to the castle age, a solution is in development but has yet to be pioneered.

Thats all the news from the front this week, now onto an interesting idea.
There were days when Ro an I used to play over the net, now the connections for almost all of us rock out - so why don't we put them to good use? Post here, maybe we could set up a weekly meet or someshit, you know it'd rock out.


I think i can manage.
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